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Statistics - Dronninglund Cup 2017

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Last upd: 2019-03-15 04:39:22

Type B10 B12 B14 B16 B19 BAS G10 G12 G14 G16 G19 GAS Total
No of Teams 5 11 25 30 23 10 7 14 41 49 20 6 241
Total Goals scored 297 1112 2714 3450 2981 1254 529 987 3803 4375 2064 758 24324
Games played 20 52 100 139 116 43 42 57 186 210 86 32 1083
Aver. goals/game 14.9 21.4 27.1 24.8 25.7 29.2 12.6 17.3 20.4 20.8 24 23.7 22.5
Games ended with draw 2 5 7 3 4 2 4 3 19 11 3 2 65
Games won after penalty 0
Games won after extratime 2 1 3
Games left to play 4 4

Top 10 largets victories

Class Group Hometeam Awayteam Result
G16 Gruppe 6  Nordnes IL  Club Italiano Handball 8 - 34
B19 Gruppe 3  Sunnydale  Hjallerup IF 1 7 - 33
G16 Gruppe 5  Lyngby HK  Thouare Handball Club 2 27 - 2
G14 Gruppe 3  Nordbygda Håndball 1  Vágs Bôltfelag 23 - 0
B16 Gruppe 2  Handball Pays Rochois  E.C. Pinheiros 5 - 28
G12 Gruppe 3  DJK Oespel-Kley  Dronninglund IF 3 23 - 0
B14 PO-grp A 4  Hercules/Allfitsports  PSV Recklinghausen 32 - 9
G16 Gruppe 2  Kjøkkelvik Idrettslag 1  BRH 22 - 0
G16 PO-grp B 5  Tertnes Idrottslag 1  Thouare Handball Club 2 22 - 0
B16 Gruppe 2  Handball Pays Rochois  Visse IF 2 - 24

Top 10 greatest victories

Class Group Hometeam Awayteam Result
B14 A-kvartsfinal:01  HBC Dambach-la-Ville 1  HandballSchool Brabant 1 31 - 23
B14 A-finale  HBC Dambach-la-Ville 1  HSG Siebengebirge 1 21 - 29
B12 A-finale  Hjallerup IF 1  TVE Sehnde e.V. 30 - 19
BAS Gruppe 2  Nøvling IF  Åstrup/Hammerlev-Grenaa 1 23 - 20
G14 Gruppe 2  Union Sport Lédonienne  ESBF 2 19 - 24
B19 A-finale  HV Hellas  E.C. Pinheiros 18 - 24
B19 Gruppe 4  Klokkerholm IF  SC Bottrop e.V. 26 - 16
G16 Gruppe 6  Nordnes IL  Club Italiano Handball 8 - 34
B19 PO-grp B 1  OSC Dortmund  Sunnydale 26 - 15
B19 PO-grp A 1  HandballSchool Brabant  HV Hellas 16 - 25